
Ca r ro t - Ap p l e - S pinach Ju i c e – Combine eight ounces carrot juice,
six ounces apple juice and two ounces of spinach juice.
Ca r ro t - L e t t u c e - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine equal parts of carrot, lettuce
and celery juice.
Ca r ro t - Be e t - Spinach Ju i c e – Combine ten ounces carrot juice,
t h ree ounces of spinach juice and three ounces of beet juice.
Ap p l e - B eet Ju i c e – Combine five parts apple juice to one part beet juice.
Ap p l e - G rape Ju i c e – Combine equal parts apple juice and grape juice.
Juice grapes first, then apples. We suggest no filter.
Apple Lemonade – Combine a ve ry small wedge of lemon with peel and
a p p r oximately four apples.
Pear Lemonade – Combine a small wedge of lemon with peel. Any type
of pear (be sure it is a crisp pear!).
Ora n g e - Gra p e f ruit-Lemon Ju i c e – Combine four ounces orange juice,
four ounces grapefruit juice and one ounce lemon juice.
Ap p l e - O range Juice – Combine equal parts of apple juice and orange juice.
Melon Delight – Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeyd e w. Se e d .
Even use the rind if it’s clean.
N OT E :
Pro p o r tions of juices are usually in sixteen ounce totals. If you only
d e s i re eight ounces, then just divide by two.
With the Omega Ju i c e r, nothing is wasted. It may be used for flavo r i n g
in soups, breads, cakes and salads. Also use the pulp as compost for gard e n s
and plants.