6 Internet Fax and Network Print/Network Scanner
Note 1: If a setting other than TYPE2 has been selected, e-mail remains
on the server. Make sure e-mail is deleted from the server man-
ually, e.g., from another PC.
Note 2: This fax machine keeps a log of up to 50 communications,
which is used to prevent any e-mail messages that have already
been read from being received again. However, if there are
more than 50 messages on the server, you may start receiving
the same e-mail messages repeatedly. When e-mail messagees
have been deleted from the mail server using a PC, manually
activate POP reception on the fax machine while there is no
mail. This operation erases the log of the previous 50 commu-
nications. If automatic POP reception is carried out while
there is no mail, the log is also erased. Therefore, if regularl
deletions of mail is carried out on the server before the number
of records on the log reaches 50, this operation will not be nec-
85:TIME BETWEEN GMT - Time difference from GMT. This value is
required in order to create e-mail headers. The time difference must be set.
86:TEXT PRINT - Whether or not to print the body text of email. If this
setting is ON, the text in an e-mail message is printed out. Please note that
only US-ASCII characters in the text can be printed as shown in the fol-
lowing table. Any characters that cannot be printed will be shown as
spaces. Depending on the e-mail client used, text may not be printed or
come out garbled.
00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0
SP 0 @ P ` p
1 !1AQaq
2 “2BRbr
3 #3CScs
4 $4DTdt
5 %5 EUe u
6 &6FVf v
7 ‘7GWgw
8 (8HXhx
9 )9IYiy
A *:JZjz
B +;K[k{
C ,<L\l|
D -=M]m}
E .>N^n~
F /?O_o