4. Macros
Each source defined in the “Source” step has a separate
Control Pad definition. The “Source to View” pull-down
menu provides the display name given to each source. Using
the “Next” and “Back” buttons will automatically cycle
through all defined sources.
An important feature of the NuVoNet Suite is the
communication with each Control Pad within the installation,
which eliminates the need for Macro Definitions. However, if
you do want to create specific strings of IR commands or use
the IR libraries of third-party source equipment to setup
functions within that source's Menu on the Control Pads, this
is the place to do that.
If the component had default keys defined in the IR Library,
single IR code macros will be automatically created for each
key. Hovering the mouse over each key in the Display Pad
picture on the left side of the screen will bring up a tool-tip
displaying the name of the macro assigned to that key.
Clicking on the key highlights the macro on the right side of
the screen.
Double-clicking on a key in either display will begin editing
the macro associated with that key.
4. Macros
4.1 Edit Macro Definition
The Macro Definition window has two separate points of
definition on the right side of the screen. The
top section allows a string of commands to be associate
with one of the five IR programmable buttons.
The bottom section automatically places the commands I
the menu selections at the Control Pads.
Examples of this use would be specific disc selection on a
multi-disc changer or specific station tuning
for satellite or cable receiver boxes.
The tree in the left-hand window displays all available IR
codes from the library. The tree is automatically expanded to
show the codes from the component associated with the
Each macro has a “Display Name” that is used to describe
the macro. Before a macro can be saved, the name of the
macro must be established.
4.1 Edit Macro Definitions
4.1.1 Adding Codes to a Macro
A code is added to the macro by double-clicking on the
green IR code name in the library to the left. That code will
then be automatically added to the macro string to the right.
Up to 100 codes can be added to a single macro.