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Probable Cause Corrective Action
1. The driver board is damaged.
2. Controller is not configured correctly.
1. Replace the driver board.
2. Verify that the humidifier is a double unit.
3. Check that the driver board ribbon cable is connected
to the main board.
1. The master unit is not configured correctly.
2. Is the RJ12 cable damaged?
3. Is an incorrect RJ12 cable used?
4. J2 ports on driver boards are not connected.
1. Verify configuration settings for the units.
2. Replace the RJ12 cable.
3. Replace with correct cable.
4. Check all connections to the processor board.
The electronics of the main PCB have diagnosed the main
PCB (itself) as defective.
Reset humidifier and monitor display. If Error reoccurs
within one minute of resetting the unit, the problem is with
the main PCB. If the Error is not repeated, the primary
power to the unit is suspect.
1. Current measurement core loose on driver board?
2. Primary wire not looped through CT core?
3. High water sensor plug is on an electrode pin.
1. Connect CT core.
2. Interrupt main power and rewire CT core.
3. Install high water plug on shrouded pin.
1. Is the drain stuck open?
2. Check system backpressure.
3. Is the water supply closed?
4. Drain leaking?
1. Clean drain valve or replace.
2. Install fill cup extension kit if required.
3. Open water supply.
4. Clean drain valve.
1. Is the water supply closed?
2. Is the drain leaking?
3. Check the system backpressure.
1. Open water supply.
2. Clean drain valve.
3. Clean drain valve or replace.
4. Install fill cup extension kit if required.
1. Is the drain blocked?
2. Is the cylinder filling too fast?
3. Was the wrong fill valve supplied?
4. Is there scale in the cylinder?
5. Is the water too conductive?
6. Is the wrong cylinder supplied?
7. Is the cylinder spent?
1. Clean the drain line.
2. Replace the fill valve.
3. Replace the fill valve.
4. Rinse the cylinder.
5. Change water supply.
6. Install the correct type of cylinder.
7. Replace the cylinder.
1. Is the drain blocked?
2. Is the drain restricted?
3. Is the cylinder filling too fast?
4. Was the wrong fill valve supplied?
5. Is there scale in the cylinder?
6. Is the water too conductive?
7. Was the wrong cylinder supplied?
1. Clean the drain line.
2. Clean the drain line.
3. Replace the fill valve.
4. Replace the fill valve.
5. Rinse the cylinder.
6. Change the water supply.
7. Install correct cylinder type.
1. Is the drain blocked?
2. Is the drain restricted?
3. Is the cylinder filling too fast?
4. Was the wrong fill valve supplied?
5. Is there scale in the cylinder?
6. Is the water too conductive?
1. Clean the drain line.
2. Clean the drain line.
3. Replace the fill valve.
4. Replace the fill valve.
5. Rinse the cylinder.
6. Change the water supply.
1. Is the drain blocked?
2. Is the drain restricted?
3. Is the cylinder filling too fast?
4. Was the wrong fill valve supplied?
5. Is there scale in the cylinder?
6. Is the water too conductive?
1. Clean the drain line.
2. Clean the drain line.
3. Replace the fill valve.
4. Replace the fill valve.
5. Rinse the cylinder.
6. Change the water supply.