Tools and settings
5. Tools and settings
■ Tools
To use different tools, in the main view, select Options.
To connect to the internet, select Connections (Dial-up) and the
connection profile you want to use.
To change the service provider for the connection, select Operator
selection... > Manual selection and the provider. You can only select a
provider whose status is Enabled. To let the CS-15 device select the
provider automatically, select Automatic selection. To return to the
main view, select Select.
To select which type of network the device uses for the connection,
select Network type selection and the network type. If you select
Automatic selection (WCDMA first), the CS-15 device first tries to use a
UMTS network, and if this fails, a GSM network. If you select WCDMA
only or GSM only, the CS-15 device only tries to use the given network
type. If you select GSM first, the CS-15 device first tries to use a GSM
To view information about previous connections, select Connection
history.... You can view the service provider name, connection date and
duration, total amount of data sent and received during the session,
amount of sent and received data, average transmission rate of received
(Avg. rate in) and sent (Avg. rate out) data, and maximum transmission
rate of received and sent data. To delete the selected line, select
Remove. To delete the entire history, select Clear. To save the history as
a file on your PC, select Export....
To view information about the application, select About....
■ General settings
To define general settings, in the main view, select Options >
Settings... > General.