● Keep battery out of the reach of
● The booster battery must be rated at 12
volts. Use ofan improperly rated battery
can damage your vehicle.
● Whenever working on or near a battery,
always wear suitableeye protectors (for
example, goggles or industrial safety
spectacles) and remove rings, metal
bands, or any other jewelry. Do not lean
over the battery when jump starting.
● Do not attempt to jump start a frozen
battery. It could explode and cause se-
rious injury.
● Your vehicle has an automatic engine
cooling fan. It could come on at any
time. Keep hands and other objects
away from it.
● Always follow the instructions below.
Failure to do so could result in damage
to the charging system and cause per-
sonal injury.
1. Locate the fusiblelink box behind the engine
air cleaner.
2. Push the tab in and lift up
to remove the
lid and expose the remote positive battery
6-8 In case of emergency