Alternate Command Mode command list
Phone Command:
Dial Number Makes a call to a spoken phonenumber upto 10digits.
Vehicle Phonebook Makes a call to acontact inthe vehicle phonebook.
Handset Phonebook Makes a call to a contactin thehandset phonebook.
International Call Makes an international call byallowing morethan 10 digitsto bespoken, aswell asstar (*), pound (#), and plus (+).
Incoming Calls Shows the last 5 incomingphone calls.
Outgoing Calls Shows the last 5 outgoingphone calls.
Missed Calls Shows the last 5 missed phonecalls.
Navigation Command:
Home Sets a route to yourhome thatis stored inthe AddressBook.
Address Searches for a location bythe streetaddress specified, andsets aroute (forcontinental USand Canadaonly).
Places Sets a route to afacility nearthe current vehiclelocation.
Address Book Displays the first 5 entriesof theAddress Book.
Previous Destinations Sets a route to aprevious destination.
Previous Start Point Calculates a route to your previous starting pointof thelast route.
Minimize Freeway Route Recalculates a route to thecurrent destinationwhile minimizing freewayusage.
Fastest Route Recalculates a route tothe currentdestination usingthe fastestestimated time.
Shortest Route Recalculates a route tothe currentdestination using theshortest distance.
Cancel Route Cancelsthe currentroute.
Delete Destination Deletes the current destination.
Birdview Map Changes the Map display to Birdview.
Planview Map Changes the Map display toa 2-dimensionalview.
North Up Changes the Map display tokeep northpointing up onthe screen.
4-132 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems