
Flash Photography with Color Filters
Color compensation lters, a uorescent lter and an incandescent lter, are
included with the SB-910 for use with ash photography under incandescent/
tungsten and uorescent lighting.
For more details on color compensation filter effects, see the separate booklet “A
collection of example photos.”
Color filters (Color Filter Set SJ-3 and Color Filter Holder SZ-2) that change the
color of the light emitted by the SB-910 are available separately. (0H-10)
Using color compensation filters and color filters
Filters Purpose
Fluorescent lter ( Fluorescent
Filter SZ-2FL), included
Balance the color of light from the ash to match
that of uorescent lighting
Incandescent lter (Incandescent
Filter SZ-2TN), included
Balance the color of light from the ash to match
that of incandescent or tungsten lighting
Color lters (Color Filter Set SJ-3),
Create interesting effects by changing the color of
the light emitted by the ash
t Color compensation with included and optional lters
The included Incandescent Filter SZ-2TN and the optional SJ-3 incandescent lters
TN-A1 and TN-A2 differ in color compensation. The color of images taken with
the SZ-2TN and SJ-3 incandescent lters are slightly different even when the same
light source is used. The color can be adjusted with the camera’s white balance ne
tuning. For details, see E-16.
How to attach color compensation filters (included)
Place the lter on the ash
head and insert into the slit at
the top.
Place the filter with the Nikon logo
facing up, as shown in the diagram.