
Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode (for cameras compatible with CLS)
High-Speed flash synchronization at your cameras highest shutter speed is
now possible. In this mode, the Auto FP High-Speed Sync mode is
automatically set when the shutter speed exceeds the cameras sync shutter
speed. This is useful when you want to use a wider aperture to achieve shallow
depth of field to blur the background.
Available with cameras compatible with CLS. You cannot set the Auto FP High-Speed
sync mode on the SB-800 directly, but must set it on the camera.
High-speed flash synchronization is possible exceeding your cameras sync shutter
speed up to your cameras highest shutter speed.
Auto FP High-Speed sync also operates in the Advanced Wireless Lighting mode.
Available flash modes are i-TTL, Auto Aperture flash, Distance-priority manual flash, and
Manual flash when using a single flash unit. i-TTL, Auto Aperture flash, Non-TTL auto
flash, and Manual flash are available in multiple flash operation.