z Do not pl ay your earphones or headphones at a high vol ume. Hearing ex perts adv ise
against continuous extended pl ay.
z If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce v olum e or discontinue use.
z Do not use while operating a mot orized v ehicle. It may creat e a t raffic h azard and is il l egal in
m any areas.
z You s hould use ext reme caution or tem poraril y disco ntinue use in potent ially hazardous
sit uations.
z Even if your headphones or earphones are the open-air type designed to let yo u hear
outside sounds, don’t turn up t he vol ume so high that you can’t hear what ’s around you.
z Sound can be deceiving. Ov er t ime your hearing “ comfort lev el ” adapts to higher v ol umes of
sound. So what sounds “norm al ” can act uall y be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard
against this by setting your equipment a t a safe level B EFORE your hearing adapts.
To establish a safe level:
a. S t art your v ol ume cont rol at a l ow sett ing.
b. Slowly increase the s ound until you can h ear it com fortably and clearly, and w it hout
dist ort ion. O nce you hav e est abl ished a com fortable sound level, leav e it there.