Output Level Switch
The 3-position output level switch is used to match the processor gain to the amplifier gain for optimum
signal to noise ratio. The three gain values available are +6, 0 or -6 dB. For minimum noise floor the -
6dB setting should be chosen, for maximum headroom the +6dB position should be used.
Audio Outputs
The audio outputs are the three 3-pin male XLRs located in the area labeled BALANCED OUTPUTS.
The channel corresponding to each output connector is identified by the labels Left, Right and Sub L+R
(mono SubBass).
Signal is applied between pins 2 and 3, pin 1 is connected to ground.
When used with an amplifier with balanced inputs, the wiring of the output XLR is simply pin to pin (1 to
1, etc.), the polarity of the signal being preserved if the source connected to the input is also balanced
(see previous section).
Sense inputs
The sense inputs of the three channels (left, right and SUB) are arranged on a six-
pole barrier strip set into the rear panel within the area labeled SENSE INPUT. The
Sense inputs are intended for connection to the output signals of the amplifiers
driving one cabinet of each the channels being used.
Connection is made via the female part - removable - of the connector (supplied with
the Controller) as outlined below:
Channel Amplifier Output Terminal Barrier strip connector
S12 Left - (black)
pin 1 (figure)
+ (red)
pin 2
S12 Right - (black)
pin 3
+ (red)
pin 4
RS15 - (black)
pin 5
+ (red)
pin 6
Input sense connection MANDATORY
for proper operation of the servo-control system, the cabinets
will NOT BE PROTECTED if the sense lines are unconnected.
Earth Lift
The push button labeled « Earth Lift » allows connection
(depressed position), or disconnection (out position) between
the signal ground and the mains earth, which is itself linked to
the chassis. Using this button may help to eliminate hum due
to ground looS12 created in the system.
Sub jumper
In certain applications you may wish to disable the mono summation (but keep the 6dB gain boost) on
the sub channel. By moving the internal jumper ST1 inside the unit, the sub channel will only use the
Right input (with 6dB gain to keep the same sub level when the mono summation is enabled).
Always ensure that your TDcontroller is disconnected from main before opening the unit. Remove the 3
screws fastening the top panel. The ST1 jumper is located near the Input XLR. The PIN1 being the PIN
closest of the Input XLR. Strap PIN 1-2 (B in the drawing) in order to drive the sub only from input R.
Strapping Pin 2-3 (labeled A, factory default) will provide the summation of channel R&L.