NETGEAR 54 Mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter WG111v2 User Manual
v3.0, January 2007
Ad Hoc mode is not working correctly
You need to click the Initiate Ad Hoc button before you click Apply. Here is how you start an Ad
Hoc network:
1. Fill in the Network Name (SSID).
2. Select the Computer-to-Computer (Ad Hoc) Network Type.
3. Click Initiate Ad Hoc.
4. Accept the default settings or make your changes and click OK
5. Click Apply.
Did the Wireless Adapter receive a valid IP address from the
Wireless Router/AP?
The easiest way is to click the System Tray icon to open the Wireless Adapter Smart Wizard. Then
check the IP address in the About page.
I cannot connect to the AP that I want from the Networks Tab.
On the Networks tab click Scan to refresh the list. If the ahe access point is available and there is
good signal strength there are a few possibilities:
• If the access point (AP) is WPA-PSK protected, you need the correct WPA-PSK passphrase.
Otherwise, the Wireless Adapter will still be connected to the previous access point and you
will not be able to change to the WPA-PSK access point.
• If the access point is WEP protected (either 64-bit or 128-bit encryption), you will be
prompted to enter the WEP encryption security information.
Note: Be sure all computers in your Ad Hoc network are configured with static IP
addresses in the same subnet.