Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
What does the Reset button on the back panel do?
When pressed once, it reboots the SC101 When pressed and held for more than six seconds, it
resets the administrator password to default “password” and detaches all the letter drives. This is
handy in case your PC dies and you need gain access to those private/non-shared drives
previously-attached on that PC.
I installed two Hitachi hard disks into the SC101, they don’t seem to work, why?
Hitachi hard disks come with “Master” by default as the disk jumper settings, you must change
them to “Cable Select” (remember to power off the SC101 before you do that).
You may run into the same problem with disks from other vendors, always make sure you use the
“Cable Select” jumper settings with the SC101.
The SC101 shows the message “No Storage Central device was found”.
Check the following things:
• Make sure that the DHCP server is up and running. (If the green LED flashes three times
periodically, something is wrong with the DHCP server.)
• The PC and the SC101 must be connected to the same LAN/sub-network (not across different
routers, for example)
• The green power LED should be solid
• You must have at least 1 hard disk plugged into the SC101.
• ATA5 or older IDE hard disks are not supported (If you plug in an unsupported disk, the green
LED will flash four times periodically)
• If you upgrade the firmware, or click the reset button, or disconnect and reconnect the CAT5
cable to the SC101, the SC101 will reboot, please wait for about two minute for the reboot to
complete. If you create many drives, it may take some extra seconds to the reboot the
• You may be running some personal firewall software on your PC. The SC101 works behind
Windows XP Personal Firewall, but doesn’t work behind firewalls like Trend Micro Personal
Firewall and Norton firewall. Disable the firewall, or configure the firewall to open UDP port