Reference Manual for the ProSafe Network Management System NMS100
3-10 Data and Statistics
September 2004 202-10058-01
Adding Map Objects
ProSafe NMS supports several object types, including subnets, devices, links, and networks. To
add objects, first open a Map view window and then use one of the Insert/Map Object menus or the
Edit button bar. After adding icon objects, you need to move them to the desired location. If you do
not see the new object, use the View All button. The following table describes the different object
Table 3-3. Object Types
Type Description
Subnet A Subnet icon contains other map layers, possibly including other subnets.
• Double-click on a subnet icon to open a view window for the next layer down.
• Use the Parent Window button to go up one layer to the parent subnet view.
• Use the Root Subnet button to open the top map level view.
Device A Device icon represents a polled device, including SNMP and Ping polled devices.
1. When adding a device object, set the device Address in the displayed Properties dialog
box. You can append an optional UDP port to the address as x.x.x.Port.
2. Then select the Access tab and set the Read Access Mode and Read/Write Access Mode
parameters. Use ICMP (Ping) for non-SNMP devices (or NONE where you only want to poll
TCP services), and use SNMP V1 for regular SNMP devices. For SNMP V1 devices, you
must also set the Read Community and Read/Write Community parameters to valid
community names.
3. Finally, select the Attributes tab and set appropriate values for the Poll Interval, Poll
Timeout, and Poll Retries attributes.
Link A Link object is a line between two icon objects (Subnet, Device, Goto). Link objects can be
polled so you can optionally set an IP Address and Access/Polling attributes as with the Device
object. However, by default the poll Interval for links is set to zero so it is not polled. To add one
or more Link objects, first select two or more Device objects and optionally a single Subnet or
Network object, then click the Add Link button from the Edit button bar.
Network There are several types of Network objects, which have different layout styles.
• A Bus Network automatically arranges the network and attached links and icons in a bus
• A Ring Network automatically arranges the attached objects in a ring.
• A regular Network object can be manually shaped. Double-click on a Regular Network object
to create a junction point. Double-click on an existing junction point to remove it. Click on a
Junction object or network segment and drag it to move it in the Map view.
• Network objects can also be polled but the Poll Interval is set to zero (non-polled) by default.
• Use one of the Add Network buttons from the Edit button bar to add a network. If you first
select several icon objects, ProSafe NMS will also add links between the icons and the new
Goto A Goto object is like a Subnet in that you can double-click on it to open a new Map view
window. However, a Goto object displays the map subnet that is named in the Address field. To
make a Goto that opens the Root Submap, leave the Address field blank.