User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
3-4 Basic Setup
For Windows XP Users Installing a WPN311
Install the WPN311 software.
a. Power on your computer, let the
operating system boot up completely,
and log in as needed.
b. Insert the NETGEAR RangeMax™
Wireless PCI Adapter WPN311
Resource CD into your CD drive. The
CD main page shown at the right
c. Click the “Install Driver & Utility”
d. Follow the Smart Wizard - Install
Assistant steps, and click Finish when
done to restart your computer.
WPN311 Resource CD main page
Note: I f th i s p a ge d oe s n ot a u tom a tica ll y a p p e a r,
browse the root of the C D and d ouble-click on
autorun.exe to d is p la y th i s p a ge .
Smart W izard - Install Assistant
Note: If a W indows XP C ertification warning
appears, click Continue Anyway to p roc e ed .