IP Multicast Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no ip igmp query-interval
This command resets the query interval for the specified interface to the default value. This is
the frequency at which IGMP Host-Query packets are transmitted on this interface.
Format no ip igmp query-interval
ip igmp query-max-response-time
This command configures the maximum response time interval for the specified interface,
which is the maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 queries on this interface.
The time interval is specified in tenths of a second. The range for <maxresptime> is 0–255
tenths of a second.
Format ip igmp query-max-response-time <seconds>
no ip igmp query-max-response-time
This command resets the maximum response time interval for the specified interface, which
is the maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 queries on this interface to the
default value.
The maximum response time interval is reset to the default time.
Format no ip igmp query-max-response-time
ip igmp robustness
This command configures the robustness that allows tuning of the interface. The robustness
is the tuning for the expected packet loss on a subnet. If a subnet is expected to have a lot of
loss, the Robustness variable might be increased for the interface. The range for
<robustness> is 1–255.
Format ip igmp robustness <robustness>
no ip igmp robustness
This command sets the robustness value to default.
Format no ip igmp robustness
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config