Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
storm-control broadcast level (Global)
This command configures the broadcast storm recovery threshold for all interfaces as a
percentage of link speed and enables broadcast storm recovery. If the mode is enabled,
broadcast storm recovery is active, and if the rate of L2 broadcast traffic ingressing on an
interface increases beyond the configured threshold, the traffic will be dropped. Therefore,
the rate of broadcast traffic will be limited to the configured threshold. This command also
enables broadcast storm recovery mode for all interfaces.
If the ‘shutdown’ option is selected, and the broadcast traffic increases beyond the threshold,
the interface shuts down instead of dropping packets.
To recover the port, issue ‘no
shutdown’ under the port manually.
Format storm-control broadcast level
no storm-control broadcast level
This command sets the broadcast storm recovery threshold to the default value for all
interfaces and disables broadcast storm recovery
Format no storm-control broadcast level
storm-control broadcast rate (Global)
Use this command to configure the broadcast storm recovery threshold for all interfaces in
packets per second. If the mode is enabled, broadcast storm recovery is active, and if the
rate of L2 broadcast traffic ingressing on an interface increases beyond the configured
threshold, the traffic is dropped. Therefore, the rate of broadcast traffic is limited to the
configured threshold.
Format storm-control broadcast rate <0-14880000>
no storm-control broadcast rate
This command sets the broadcast storm recovery threshold to the default value for all
interfaces and disables broadcast storm recovery
Format no storm-control broadcast rate
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config