Routing Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no ip address
This command deletes an IP address from an interface. The value for <ipaddr> is the IP
address of the interface in a.b.c.d format where the range for a, b, c, and d is 1-255.
value for <subnetmask> is a 4-digit dotted-decimal number which represents the Subnet
Mask of the interface. To remove all of the IP addresses (primary and secondary) configured
on the interface, enter the command no ip address.
Format no ip address [{<ipaddr> <subnetmask | /prefix-length> [secondary]}]
ip address dhcp
Use this command to enable the DHCPv4 client on an in-band interface so that it can acquire
network information, such as the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway from a
network DHCP server. When DHCP is enabled on the interface, the system automatically
deletes all manually configured IPv4 addresses on the interface.
Format ip address dhcp
no ip address dhcp
Use this command to release a leased address and disable DHCPv4 on an interface.
Format no ip address dhcp
ip default-gateway
Use this command to manually configure a default gateway for the switch. Only one default
gateway can be configured. If you use this command multiple times, each command replaces
the previous value.
Format ip default-gateway <ipaddr>
Parameter Description
ipaddr The IP address of the interface.
subnetmask A four-digit dotted-decimal number that represents the subnet mask of the interface
prefix-length Implements RFC 3021. Using the / notation of the subnet mask, this is an integer that
indicates the length of the subnet mask. Range is 5–32 bits.
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Global Config