This chapter provides information about troubleshooting the NETGEAR Model
GS524T Copper Gigabit Switch.Table 5-1 lists symptoms, causes, and solutions of
possible problems.
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Information
Symptom Cause Solution
Power LED is off. No power is received Check the power cord connections for the switch
at the switch. and the connected device.
Make sure all cables used are correct and comply
with Ethernet specifications.
1000M or 100M Port connection is Check the crimp on the connectors and make
LED is off or not functioning. sure that the plug is properly inserted and
intermittent. locked into the port at both the switch and the
connecting device.
Make sure all cables used are correct and comply
with Ethernet specifications. See Appendix C.
Check for a defective adapter card, cable, or port
by testing them in an alternate environment where
all products are functioning.
File transfer is slow Half- or full-duplex Make sure the remote link partner is set to
or performance setting on the switch auto negotiate.
degradation is and the connected
a problem. device are not the same.
A segment or device One or more devices Verify that the cabling is correct. Be sure all
is not recognized as are not properly cable connectors are securely positioned in the
part of the network. connected, or cabling required ports. Equipment may have been
does not meet accidentally disconnected.
Ethernet guidelines.
COL LED is Collisions are Some collisions are normal when the connection
blinking yellow occurring on the is operating in half-duplex mode.
excessively. connected segment.
Duplex modes are Recheck the link partner settings.
troubleshooting 5-1