V110, V210P, V211, V220 User Guide YML881Rev1
20 www.netcomm.com.au
Your NetComm ATA has many advanced features that you may want or need to use in the future. Let’s start by
taking a look at the menus in the web interface.
1. Open your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc).
2. Enter the LAN port default IP address of the NetComm ATA (e.g. in the address bar
and press Enter.
3. At the login screen, enter the gateway username and password. The default login username is admin,
and the default login password is admin.
4. On the Home Page, click on VoIP on the left menu to view the VoIP Gateway Configuration page.
Many configuration changes made using the web interface will only become active after clicking the Save &
Reboot button on the Save Savings / Reboot page.
Note: Certain voice parameters do not require a Save & Reboot to take effect. These Voice Parameters will take effect on the next voice
call after the Voice Parameter is entered and submitted. However, if Save & Reboot is not done, then these Voice Parameters will not be
saved over a power cycle. The Voice Parameters that can be changed “on the fly” are noted in the respective sections.