Sample Standard Configuration
NCR S26 Hot Plug Server User Guide C-5
4. Press Esc to return to the main menu in BIOS Setup.
Advanced System Configuration
1. Select Advanced System Configuration.
Page 1 - Verify that the parameters are set as follows:
C8000h - CBFFFh [Disabled]
CC000h - CFFFFh [Disabled]
D0000h - D3FFFh [Disabled]
D4000h - D7FFFh [Disabled]
D8000h - DBFFFh [Disabled]
Internal Cache (CPU Cache) [Enabled]
External Cache [Enabled]
ECC/Parity Mode Selection [ECC]
Operation of ECC [Both]
Memory at 15 MB-16 MB Reserved for [System] Use
2. Press Esc to return to the main menu in BIOS Setup.
Non-PnP ISA Card Configuration
1. Select Non-PnP ISA Card Configuration. For all non-PnP ISA boards, set
the IRQ/DMA, the Expansion ROM Region, and the I/O Region.
Note: Configure all non-PnP ISA boards with straps and/or driver software.
These BIOS settings are only used by the BIOS Setup to reserve settings that
are being used by non-PnP ISA boards.
2. Press Esc to return to the BIOS Setup main menu.