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The following describes the display functions and specifi cations on the Pro
Series treadmills.
Incline — The treadmill incline is displayed as a percentage of elevation. The
Pro Series treadmill has an incline range of 0 to 15%.
Time — The selected workout time is displayed in the center of the upper display
window. In the Time Based workouts, the timer will count down to 0:00 from the
preset time you have selected. In Distance based programs, HRC Weight Loss
and HRC Cardio, the timer will count up. The timer will also count up if QUICK
START is pressed without selecting a workout program.
Speed — The treadmill speed is displayed in miles per hour (or kilometers per
hour). The Pro Series T7.18 and T7.16 treadmills have a speed operation range of
0.5 mph to 12 mph (0.8 kph to 19.2 kph). For safety reasons you may also limit the
maximum speed in the Management Menu.
Heart Rate — Current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute.
Percentage of Maximum Heart Rate — An approximation of maximal heart rate
is calculated by subtracting the users age from 220. Percentage of maximum
heart rate will only be shown in HRC programs or when a program has been
selected through the My Nautilus™ Menu, since these are the only times the
user’s age is known.
Example: 220 – 40 (age) = 180 — 180 Beats per minute would be the
approximate maximum heart rate for a 40-year-old user.
180 x 75%= 135 — 135 Beats per minute would be the heart rate of a 40 year old
user exercising at 75% of their max.
(See the Heart Training programs for more information.)
Distance — Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance, in miles (or
kilometers if your display is set to metric units), you have traveled.
Calories — Provides a current total of the number of calories burned during
a workout. Note: this number is only an approximation as a user’s caloric
expenditure will vary signifi cantly based on a persons age, gender, weight
and metabolism.
Calories/Hour — Provides the rate at which calories are burned per hour at the
current speed and incline.