If the Program Setup is not completed and there is no activity for 5 minutes, the console goes back to Ready Mode.
User Setup
In the Program Selection menu use the ▲ and ▼ keys to move through the menu to find the USER options (USER 1, etc.).
Different machine models can have a different number of User profiles available.
Push ENTER/RESET to make your selection of a User profile. You can use the ▲ and ▼ keys to look at the workout data for that User
(if available) or go to a different program. To erase the User profile and workout history, push the COURSES/PROFILES key.
1. Push ENTER/RESET to start User Setup.
Note: After each step in User Setup, you can push the ENTER/RESET key to go to the next data item in the
User profile, or push the QUICK START key to go to Workout Mode.
2. The Program Display shows SELECT USER AGE and the TIME display flashes 30 (default age). Use
the ▲ and ▼ keys to adjust the Age value and push the ENTER/RESET key to record your selection.
The available range is 13–70.
3. The Program Display shows SELECT USER HEIGHT and the TIME display flashes 5:07 (5 ft 7 in.) or
179 cm. Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to adjust the default Height value and push the ENTER/RESET key to
record your selection. The available range is 4:03–6:07 (130–240 cm).
Note: If you change the Height or Sex value for a User profile that already has workout data saved, the
workout history is erased..
4. The Program Display shows SELECT USER WEIGHT and the TIME display flashes 150 or 70 (default
weight). Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to adjust the Weight value and push the ENTER/RESET key to record your
selection. The available range is 50–400 lb (23–180 kg).
5. The Program Display shows SELECT USER SEX and the TIME display flashes M (“male”—default).
Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to set the display value to F (female) or M (male) and push the ENTER/RESET
key to record your selection.
6. The Program Display shows the first program name in the Program Selection menu. Refer to the
Program Setup section in this manual.
Workout Mode
To start your workout program from Program Setup or User Setup mode, push the QUICK START key. The program will use the
data values that you set during setup. If more data is necessary for the program to calculate workout results, it will use default
values for that data (ex: Age = 30).
When you push the QUICK START key, the console goes into Workout Mode and the time counts down for 3 seconds. The Program
Display shows 3–2–1 and the buzzer makes a “beep-beep-beep” sound. Then the workout program starts to operate. If no Time
value is set, the TIME display counts down from 24:00 (default). DISTANCE and CALORIES count up from zero.
The buzzer makes a “beep” sound at the end of the workout period. The LCD shows the workout data for approximately 30 seconds.
The data displays show average speed, total time, total distance and calories for this workout only. The Program Display shows END.
The console goes back to Ready Mode automatically after 30 seconds, or you can push any key to go back to Ready Mode.
Pausing the Workout
To pause the workout, push the STOP key. To start the workout again, push the QUICK START key.
When the workout is paused and there is no activity for 5 minutes, the console goes back to Ready Mode and no workout data is
Stopping the workout
To stop the workout before the end of the workout period:
To save your workout data, pause the workout and push the ENTER/RESET key and hold for 3 seconds. The console shows
the data. Push the STOP key for 3 seconds to go back to Ready Mode.