© National Instruments Corporation I-1 SC-2043-SG User Manual
+5 V signal
Lab/1200 (J9) connector summary
(table), 3-6
MIO (J10) connector summary
(table), 3-5
power supply, 4-4
fuses, 4-4
ACH<0..7> signal
Lab/1200 (J9) connector summary
(table), 3-6
MIO (J10) connector summary
(table), 3-5
AGND signal
Lab/1200 (J9) connector summary
(table), 3-6
AIGND signal
MIO (J10) connector summary
(table), 3-5
AISENSE signal
Lab/1200 (J9) connector summary
(table), 3-6
MIO (J10) connector summary
(table), 3-5
single-ended analog input, 3-11
analog input specifications
amplifier characteristics, A-1
dynamic characteristics, A-1
input characteristics, A-1
stability, A-1
transfer characteristics, A-1
analog input connections, 3-7 to 3-9
sensor connection, 3-7
full-bridge connection, 3-8
illustration, 3-8
half-bridge connection, 3-8
illustration, 3-8
quarter-bridge connection, 3-9
illustration, 3-9
block diagram of SC-2043-SG, 4-2
board configuration. See configuration.
bridge completion network, 4-3
breakout screw terminals (J1–J6), 4-4
cabling options, 2-1
calibration procedures
excitation adjustment, 5-1
external excitation source, 5-1
onboard excitation source, 5-2
bridge completion selection, 2-7
half-bridge channels (table), 2-7
half-bridge jumper settings
(table), 2-7
quarter-bridge resistors and channels
(table), 2-8
local excitation sense selection
MIO or MIO E Series boards, 2-5
jumper settings (table), 2-5
Lab/1200 Series boards, 2-6
jumper settings (table), 2-6
onboard/external excitation
selection, 2-4
jumper settings (table), 2-4
parts locator diagram, 2-2
power supply selection, 2-3
jumper settings (table), 2-3
connectors Lab/1200 (J9) and MIO (J10)
overview, 3-1, 4-4
Lab/1200 (J9) pin assignments
(table), 3-4
signal summary (table), 3-6
MIO (J10) pin assignments (table), 3-2
signal summary (table), 3-5
customer communication, xi, B-1