Appendix C Uninstalling the Hardware and Software
© National Instruments Corporation C-9 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
4. From the Multi-function adapters list, select the National
Instruments interface that you want to uninstall, as shown in
Figure C-5.
Figure C-5. Selecting an Interface to Uninstall
5. ClickontheRemove button.
6. In the Confirm Device Removal dialog box, click on the OK button
to remove the hardware information, or click on the Cancel button to
cancel your request.
Uninstall the Software
Before you uninstall the NI-Serial software, you must remove the hardware
information from your system, as described in the previous section.
To uninstall the NI-Serial software, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. The Add/Remove
Programs dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the software that
you can uninstall.