© National Instruments Corporation Index-1 PXI-846x and NI-CAN for Windows NT
9-Pin D-Sub connector
high-speed CAN (figure), C-1
low-speed CAN (figure), B-1
BridgeVIEW, 1-3, 4-2, F-3
bus power supply requirements
high-speed CAN (table), C-4
low-speed CAN (table), B-3
cable lengths
high-speed CAN (table), C-5
cable specification
high-speed CAN (table), C-5
low-speed CAN (table), B-4
cable termination
high-speed CAN, C-6
connecting, 2-4
cabling example, high-speed CAN (figure), C-7
cabling example, low-speed CAN (figure), B-8
cabling requirements
dual-speed CAN, D-1
high-speed CAN, C-1
low-speed CAN, B-1
common questions, F-1, F-2
and RTSI, E-1
configuration, 2-1
Add/Remove Programs Properties Dialog
Box, 2-2
checking, of PXI-8460, PXI-8461 or
PXI-8462, 2-3
PXI-8461 that is working properly
(figure), 2-5
connector pinouts
dual-speed CAN, D-1
high-speed CAN, C-1
pinout for 9-Pin D-Sub connector,
(figure), C-1
low-speed CAN, B-1
pinout for 9-Pin D-Sub connector,
(figure), B-1
customer education, E-1
determining necessary termination resistance
low-speed CAN, B-5
dual-speed CAN
cabling requirements, D-1
port identification, D-1
error messages, F-1
Hardware Problem Encountered, F-2
Missing Board in Diagnostic Utility, F-2
Missing Board in the NI-CAN
Configuration Utility (error message), F-1
NI-CAN Diagnostic utility failures, F-1
NI-CAN Software Problem
Encountered, F-2
resource errors, F-1