Chapter 2 PCI Serial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 2-21 Serial Hardware and Software for Windows
Configure Communication Port Settings
The serial configuration utility is fully integrated into the Windows NT
Control Panel. You can use it to view or change the configuration of your
serial ports.
To configure a serial port, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the niports
icon. A list of installed National Instruments ports appears, as shown
in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10. niports Configuration Utility
2. Select the port that you want to configure and refer to the following
• To remove hardware information about the port from
WindowsNT,clickontheDelete button. You should do this
before you remove your hardware.
• To view or change the port settings, click on the Settings button.
For more information about the settings, refer to the next section,
General Port Settings.
• In the General Port Settings dialog box, click on the Resources
button to view the resources for the port.