NI USB-6221/6229/6251/6259 OEM
This document provides dimensions, pinouts, and information
about the connectors, switch, LEDs, and chassis ground of the
NI USB-6221/6229/6251/6259 OEM devices.
Caution There are no product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), or
CE marking compliance claims made for the USB-6221/6229/6251/6259 OEM devices.
Conformity to any and all compliance requirements rests with the end product supplier.
Figure 1 shows the USB-6221/6251 OEM and USB-6229/6259 OEM
Figure 1. USB-6221/6251 and USB-6229/6259 OEM Devices
Refer to the NI 622x Specifications document for USB-6221/6229
specifications and the NI 625x Specifications document for
USB-6251/6259 specifications. Refer to the M Series User Manual for
more information about USB-6221/6229/6251/6259 devices. You can find
all documentation at
USB-6221/6251 USB-6229/6259