Chapter 2 Hardware Overview of the NI 783xR
NI 783xR User Manual 2-20 ni.com
delay-matched trigger signal between the first peripheral slot and the
other peripheral slots for precise trigger timing signals. For example, an
NI PXI-783xR in Slot 2 can send an independent trigger signal to each
device plugged into Slots <3..15> using the PXI/LBLSTAR<0..12>. Each
device receives its trigger signal on its own dedicated star trigger line.
Caution Do not configure the NI 783xR and another device to drive the same physical star
trigger line simultaneously. Such signal driving can damage the NI 783xR and the other
device. NI is not liable for any damage resulting from such signal driving.
Refer to the PXI Hardware Specification Revision 2.1 and PXI Software
Specification Revision 2.1 at
www.pxisa.org for more information about
PXI triggers.
Switch Settings
Refer to Figure 2-11 for the location of switches on the NI PXI-783xR and
Figure 2-12 for the location of switches on the NI PCI-783xR. For normal
operation, SW1 is in the OFF position. To prevent a VI stored in Flash
memory from loading to the FPGA at power up, move SW1 to the ON
position, as shown in Figure 2-13. SW2 and SW3 are not connected.