© National Instruments Corporation G-13 NI 5102 User Manual
NRSE nonreferenced single-ended mode—all measurements are made with
respect to a common (NRSE) measurement system reference, but the
voltage at this reference can vary with respect to the measurement
system ground
Nyquist Sampling
a law of sampling theory stating that if a continuous bandwidth-limited
signal contains no frequency components higher than half the frequency
at which it is sampled, then the original signal can be recovered without
onboard channels channels provided by the plug-in DAQ device
onboard RAM optional RAM usually installed into SIMM slots
operating system base-level software that controls a computer, runs programs, interacts with
users, and communicates with installed hardware or peripheral devices
passband the range of frequencies that a device can properly propagate or measure
PC Card a credit-card-sized expansion card that fits in a PCMCIA slot; often
referred to as a PCMCIA card
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect—a high-performance expansion bus
architecture originally developed by Intel to replace ISA and EISA. It is
achieving widespread acceptance as a standard for PCs and workstations;
it offers a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 132 Mbytes/s
PCMCIA an expansion bus architecture that has found widespread acceptance
as a de facto standard in notebook-size computers. It originated as a
specification for add-on memory cards written by the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association
peak to peak a measure of signal amplitude; the difference between the highest and
lowest excursions of the signal
pF picofarads
PFI programmable function input