© National Instruments Corporation 35 NI 4070/4072 Calibration Procedure
To verify the frequency of the NI 4070/4072, complete the following steps:
1. Remove all connections from the NI 4070/4072.
Note Polarity is not important in steps 2, 3, and 5.
2. Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the Pomona 4892 double
banana plug.
3. Tighten the other end of the coaxial cable in the screw terminal
channels 5 and 39 of the TB-2715 terminal block.
4. Connect the TB-2715 with the coaxial cable attached to the NI 6608.
5. Plug the Pomona 4892 into the HI and LO terminals of the
NI 4070/4072.
6. Call
niDMM_reset to reset the NI 4070/4072 to a known state.
7. Call
niDMM_ConfigureMeasurement with the following
• Function =
• Range = 1
• Resolution = 0
8. Call niDMM_ConfigureFrequencyVoltageRange with
Voltage Range set to
9. Call
GPCTR_Control with the following parameters:
• deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned by
Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
• gpctrNum =
• action = ND_RESET
10. Call GPCTR_Set_Application with the following parameters:
• deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned
by MAX
• gpctrNum =
• application = ND_PULSE_TRAIN_GNR
11. Call GPCTR_Change_Parameter with the following parameters:
• deviceNumber = the device number of the NI 6608, assigned
by MAX
• gpctrNum =
• paramID = ND_COUNT_1
• paramValue = 10e6