Chapter 5 Signal Connections
© National Instruments Corporation 5-9 7344/7334 Hardware User Manual
Use of an unshielded cable can permit noise to corrupt the encoder signals
resulting in lost counts and reduced motion system accuracy.
Encoder Input Circuit
Figure 5-4 shows a simplified schematic diagram of the circuit used for
the Phase A, Phase B, and Index encoder inputs. Both phases A and B are
required for proper encoder counter operation, and the signals must support
the 90° phase difference within system tolerance. The encoder and Index
signals are conditioned by a software-programmable digital filter inside
the FPGA. The Index signal is optional but highly recommended and
required for initialization functionality with the Find Index function.
Figure 5-4. Encoder Input Circuit
Trigger Inputs, Shutdown Input, and Breakpoint Outputs
The 7344/7334 controller offers additional high-performance features in
the encoder FPGA. Theencoder channels have high-speed position capture
trigger inputs and breakpoint outputs. These signals are useful for
high-speed synchronization of motion with actuators, sensors, and other
parts of the complete motion system:
• Trigger Input <1..4>—When enabled, an active transition on a
high-speed position capture input causes instantaneous position
capture (<100 ns latency) of the corresponding encoder count value.
You can use this high-speed position capture functionality for
applications ranging from simple position tagging of sensor data
to complex camming systems with advance/retard positioning and
registration. An available 7344/7334 controller position mode is to
move an axis Relative to Captured Position.
The polarity of the trigger input is programmable in software as
active-low (inverting) or active-high (non-inverting), rising or falling
1/8 W
From the external
encoder input
To the quadrature
decoder circuit
3.3 k