© National Instruments Corporation v GPIB-COM User Manual
Introduction to the GPIB-COM
The GPIB-COM is a high-performance talk/listen interface board that makes communication
possible between IEEE-488 devices and IBM personal computers and compatibles (hereafter
referred to as PCs) equipped with software that uses the serial ports.
Organization of This Manual
This manual is divided into the following sections:
Section One, Introduction, contains a brief description of the GPIB-COM including a listing of its
features, accessories, and components.
Section Two, Configuration and Installation, describes how to configure and install the GPIB-
COM into your system.
Section Three, Function Description, shows a block diagram of the GPIB-COM and describes the
functional components of the GPIB-COM.
Section Four, Running Diagnostic Tests, describes how to run the diagnostic tests that are shipped
with the GPIB-COM.
Section Five, Programming the GPIB-COM, presents a description of the GPIB-COM Serial Port
Emulator registers and information on programming the IBM serial adapter.
Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications of the GPIB-COM board.
Appendix B, Multiline Interface Command Messages, contains an ASCII chart and a list of the
corresponding GPIB messages.
Appendix C, Operation of the GPIB, describes GPIB terminology and protocol for users
unfamiliar with the GPIB.
Related Documents
The following documents contain information that may be helpful as you read this manual:
• ANSI/IEEE Std 488-1978, IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
• IBM Options and Adapters Manual
• IBM PC Technical Reference Manual
• IBM Disk Operating System Manual
• INS8250A Data Sheet, National Semiconductor