Description of the GPIB-BUF Chapter 1
GPIB-BUF User Manual 1-2 © National Instruments Corp.
The GPIB-BUF has two isolated GPIB ports and is placed in-line between a
GPIB system and a single, slower GPIB device (usually a printer or plotter).
The GPIB-BUF automatically buffers all device-dependent data sent to the
slower device. Because the GPIB-BUF can talk or listen on either port at
any time, the GPIB-BUF provides fully transparent bi-directional data
transfers. The target GPIB device appears to be connected directly to the
IEEE 488 bus.
What Your Kit Contains
Your kit should contain the following components:
Component Part Number
One of the following boxes:
• GPIB-BUF (256 KB RAM - 115 VAC) 776226-02
• GPIB-BUF (1 MB RAM - 115 VAC) 776226-03
• GPIB-BUF (256 KB RAM - 230 VAC) 776226-32
• GPIB-BUF (1 MB RAM - 230 VAC) 776226-33
• GPIB-BUF User Manual 320125-01
Optional Equipment
Component Part Number
Rack Mount Kit:
Single (1 unit) 180480-01
Dual (2 units) 180480-02
Double-Shielded GPIB Cables:
GPIB Type X2 Cable – 1 m 763061-01
GPIB Type X2 Cable – 2 m 763061-02
GPIB Type X2 Cable – 4 m 763061-03