FP-AI-110 and cFP-AI-110 14 ni.com
Input current
25 °C...........................................400 pA typ, 1 nA max
70 °C...........................................3 nA typ, 15 nA max
Input noise (with 50 or 60 Hz filter enabled)
±60 mV range.............................±3 LSB
±300 mV range...........................±2 LSB peak-to-peak
Other ranges ...............................±1 LSB peak-to-peak
Typical and warranted accuracy by input range and temperature
Least significant bit: the smallest voltage change detectable by the ADC.
Input Range
Typical Accuracy
at 15 to 35
(% of Reading;
% of Full Scale)
Warranted Accuracy
at 15 to 35
(% of Reading;
% of Full Scale)
±60 mV ±0.04%; ±0.05% ±0.05%; ±0.3%
±300 mV ±0.04%; ±0.015% ±0.06%; ±0.1%
±1 V ±0.04%; ±0.008% ±0.05%; ±0.04%
±5 V ±0.04%; ±0.005% ±0.06%; ±0.02%
±10 V ±0.04%; ±0.005% ±0.06%; ±0.02%
0–1 V ±0.04%; ±0.005% ±0.05%; ±0.03%
0–5 V ±0.04%; ±0.003% ±0.06%; ±0.01%
0–10 V ±0.04%; ±0.003% ±0.06%; ±0.01%
Input Range
Typical Accuracy
at –40 to 70
(% of Reading;
% of Full Scale)
Warranted Accuracy
at –40 to 70
(% of Reading;
% of Full Scale)
±60 mV ±0.06%; ±0.35% ±0.10%; ±1.5%
±300 mV ±0.07%; ±0.08% ±0.11%; ±0.40%
±1 V ±0.06%; ±0.03% ±0.10%; ±0.13%
±5 V ±0.07%; ±0.01% ±0.11%; ±0.04%
±10 V ±0.07%; ±0.01% ±0.11%; ±0.03%