Title Block Editor
Multicap 9 User Guide 5-25 Tools Menu
The following selection is available under the Tools menu:
Places an arc on the workspace. Click once to place the center point of the
arc, click again to place the outer diameter point. As you move the cursor, a
dotted outline of the arc appears. Now move the cursor and click to place the
arc’s end point.
Bezier Places a bezier curve on the workspace. Click to place the start of the curve,
then move the cursor on the workspace. As you move the cursor, a dotted
outline of the bezier curve appears. Click to place the end point of the bezier,
then move and click the cursor twice more to form the final shape of the bezier.
Rectangle Places a rectangle on the workspace.
Circle Places a circle on the workspace. Click to place the center of the circle, then
move the cursor on the workspace. As you move the cursor, a dotted outline of
the circle appears. When the circle is the desired shape and size, click to place
it on the workspace.
Ellipse Places an ellipse on the workspace. Click to place the center of the ellipse,
then move the cursor on the workspace. As you move the cursor, a dotted
outline of the ellipse appears. When the ellipse is the desired shape and size,
click to place it on the workspace.
Polygon Places a polygon on the workspace.
Bitmap Places a bitmap image on the workspace. Click to display a standard Windows
“Open” dialog box, where you can select the desired bitmap.
Menu Use
Menu Use
Customize Displays the Customize dialog box. For details, see “3.6 Customizing the
Interface” on page 3-35.