Chapter 4 Signal Connections
National Instruments Corporation 4-27 AT-MIO/AI E Series User Manual
Analog Output Signal Connections
The analog output signals are DAC0OUT, DAC1OUT, EXTREF, and
AOGND. DAC0OUT and DAC1OUT are not available on the
AT-AI-16XE-10. EXTREF is not available on the AT-MIO-16XE-10,
AT-AI-16XE-10, or AT-MIO-16XE-50.
DAC0OUT is the voltage output signal for analog output channel 0.
DAC1OUT is the voltage output signal for analog output channel 1.
EXTREF is the external reference input for both analog output
channels. You must configure each analog output channel individually
for external reference selection in order for the signal applied at the
external reference input to be used by that channel. If you do not
specify an external reference, the channel will use the internal
reference. You cannot use an external analog output reference with the
AT-MIO-16XE-10, AT-AI-16XE-10, or AT-MIO-16XE-50. Analog
output configuration options are explained in the Analog Output section
in Chapter 3, Hardware Overview. The following ranges and ratings
apply to the EXTREF input:
• Usable input voltage range: ±11 V peak with respect to AOGND
• Absolute maximum ratings: ±15 V peak with respect to AOGND
AOGND is the ground reference signal for both analog output channels
and the external reference signal.