Chapter 5 Using the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 Module
SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual 5-12 ni.com
To actually create and configure the channel, you would enter something
resembling the following example code:
Task myTask = new
MyTask.DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan (
“SC1Mod1/ai0”, // System.String physicalChannelName
“Voltage0”, // System.String nameToAssignChannel
-10.0, // System.Double minVal
10.0); // System.Double maxVal
// setting attributes after the channel is created
AIChannel myChannel = myTask.AIChannels[“Voltage0”];
myChannel.AutoZeroMode = kAutoZeroTypeOnce;
Modify the example code above or the code from one of the shipping
examples as needed to suit your application.
Note You can create and configure the voltage measurement task in MAX and
load it into your application with the function call
Refer to the NI Measurement Studio Help for more information on creating NI-DAQmx
tasks in LabWindows/CVI and NI-DAQmx property information.
Programmable NI-DAQmx Properties
All of the different ADEs that configure the SCXI-1141/1142/1143 access
an underlying set of NI-DAQmx properties. Tables 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3
provide a list of some of the properties that configure the
SCXI-1141/1142/1143. You can use this list to determine what kind of
properties you need to set to configure the device for your application. For
a complete list of NI-DAQmx properties, refer to your ADE help file.
Note Tables 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 are not complete lists of NI-DAQmx properties and
do not include every property you may need to configure voltage measurements. It is a
representative sample of important properties to configure voltage measurements. For a
complete list of NI-DAQmx properties and more information on NI-DAQmx properties,
refer to your ADE help file.