Typical Set-Up
NADY AUDIO graphic equalizers may be used wherever modifi-
cation of the frequency contour of a sound system is needed. A
graphic equalizer is a solution to any number of sound problems
or creative urges.
By routing the signal from the mixer to the main power amplifiers
(or crossover), the overall frequency of the mix may be altered to
do a number of things.
Through the use of a real-time audio spectrum analyzer, a
calibrated microphone, and a pink noise source, the audio
system may be “TUNED” to make the overall audio spectrum
response of the audio reinforcement system and the room
environment atter in its frequency response.
By turning up the audio reinforcement system to the
feedback point, then attenuating the oscillating frequency
(1/3 octave resolution), then turning the system up to
attenuate the 2nd oscillating frequency, and then the 3rd,
and so on, you can enable the entire audio system to have
much more gain before feedback.
Ampliers and speakers may be protected by the use of
the LOW CUT feature of the equalizer. Wind noise or the
loud percussive sound of dropped microphones, etc., could
potentially cause damage to the amps and/or speakers. By
rolling off the extreme LOW frequencies with the LOW CUT
lter, a measure of protection is added to the system without
severely affecting the overall sound quality.
In noisy environments, the audio signal may be tailored for
better intelligibility and penetration. This is especially useful
for public address systems.
Creative use of the equalizer allows shaping of the signal for
a more pleasing sound or for special effects. The only limits
are those of taste and imagination.
Putting an equalizer in line with a musical instrument allows
you to modify the sound of the instrument. You can brighten
the sound, or add body to a thin sounding instrument, or
even give the sound a totally different character.
An equalizer will allow you to eliminate unwanted sounds,
like a 60-cycle HUM from a badly grounded amplier.
A graphic equalizer is one of the most useful tools in the sound
engineer’s bag. NADY AUDIO equalizers offer the features and
flexibility to perform where it counts in the studio.
Fix a track that doesn’t sound quite right. Put the equalizer in
an effects send and return it to the MIX bus.
Create an articial stereo by splitting a monaural signal and
equalizing the split signals differently, then panning one
equalized signal to the right and the other signal to the left.
Shape the sound by changing the frequency response of the
Special effects, like a telephone sound, can be created by
cutting off the LOW end to 200Hz and the HIGH end to