AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
rpm below the selected Max Speed Rev Limit setting. The HSR Curve can be used for traction
control or on nitrous equipped engines to prevent detonation.
Electric Start - Selector S3 programs the DIS Ignition for use on either starter equipped engines
or kick/pull start engines.
Waste Spark - Selector S4 programs the ignition for use on engines equipped with a single coil
per cylinder (720 firing S4 - Off), or dual output coil feeding 2 cylinders (360 firing S4 - On).
Max Timing - Selectors S6, S7 and S8 are preprogramed prior to shipping to revert to the factory
ECU max timing setting. Changing these selectors will not affect the performance of this ignition.
Staging Rev Limit - Selectors S1, S2, S3 and S4 set the rpm point at which the Staging Rev Limit
feature limits the engine rpm. The Staging Rev Limit is used to provide a lower rpm limit for use on
the starting line for consistent launches.
Max Speed Retard - The Max Speed Retard sets the amount of ignition retard that occurs between
the Retard Begin Speed and the Max Speed Rev Limit. Selectors S5, S6, S7 and S8 set the amount
of retard.
Retard Begin Speed - The Retard Begin Speed determines the rpm point at which the ignition’s
retard function will begin to retard the timing. Selectors S1, S2 and S3 set the desired rpm point.
Timing Setup - When the Timing Setup selector, S4, is activated (ON), the ignition's spark output
is disabled and the built-in LED indicator is turned on. This feature can be used to monitor the
ignition's functions or as a timing setup device.
Max Speed Rev Limit - Selectors S5, S6, S7, and S8 determine the rpm point at which the engine
over-rev limiter is activated. Note: If the DIS Rev Limiter value is set at a greater value than the
vehicle's ECU rev limit, the engine speed will rev limit at the lower value of the ECU.
Below is a list of the DIS 2 and 4’s
programmable features. As illustrated
in figure 8, the factory ECU max timing
and rev limit setting cannot be
Max/Min Rev Limit - Selector S1
raises the Staging Rev Limit and Max
Speed Rev Limit by 4000. This feature
allows the DIS Ignitions to be used on
both low and high rpm engines.
HSR Curve - Selector S2 activates the
High Speed Retard function. This
feature retards the ignition timing at a
rate of 20°/1000 rpm beginning 1000
Figure 8