
15 - 4
Warning storage
(1) When an axis warning occurs, the warning code corresponding to the warning
details is stored in the following buffer memory (
Axis warning No.) for
axis warning No. storage.
Axis No. Buffer memory address
1 807
2 907
3 1007
4 1107
(2) When an axis warning occurs in a positioning operation, etc., "1" is set in bit 9
(b9) of the following buffer memory (
Status) for axis status storage.
Axis No. Buffer memory address
1 817
2 917
3 1017
4 1117
[3] Resetting errors and warnings
An error or warning state is canceled after the following processing has been
carried out by setting a "1" in the address [1502 (for axis 1)], [1602 (for axis 2)],
[1702 (for axis 3)], and [1802 (for axis 4)] of the buffer memory for axis error
resetting (
Axis error reset).
Axis error detection signal turned OFF
Axis error No." cleared
Axis warning No." cleared
Changing of "
operation status" from "Error" to "Standby".
Axis warning detection (b9)" turned OFF
[4] Invalid operations
For the following operations, the setting details will be invalidated, and an error or
warning will not occur.
Speed change during machine OPR
Speed change before operation
(Speed override change, skip command, continuous operation interruption
request, target position change request)
Axis stop during axis stop
Axis sudden stop during axis stop
Axis stop before axis operation
Axis sudden stop before axis operation
[5] Confirming the error and warning definitions
The error and warning definitions can be confirmed with the error and warning
codes. Confirming them requires GX Developer or GX Configurator-QP. For
details, refer to GX Developer Operating Manual or GX Configurator-QP
Operating Manual. (Refer to Section 15.2 and Section 15.3 for details of the error
and warning codes.)