15 - 14
of errors
Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence
Software stroke
• Positioning is carried out at a
position beyond the software stroke
limit upper limit.
• The positioning address and new
current value exceed the software
stroke limit upper limit.
• In the circular interpolation by the
designation of the sub points, the
sub points exceed the software
stroke limit upper limit.
Software stroke
• Positioning is carried out at a
position beyond the software stroke
limit lower limit.
• The positioning address and new
current value exceed the software
stroke limit lower limit.
• In the circular interpolation by the
designation of the sub points, the
sub points exceed the software
stroke limit lower limit.
At start: The system will not operate.
In the analysis of new current value:
Current value is not
During operation:
• The system stops
immediately when the
positioning address during
position control (including
position control in speed-
position switching control or
position-speed switching
control) is switched to the
data outside the software
stroke limit range.
• The system makes a stop at
the setting (normal
deceleration stop only) of
sudden stop selection (stop
group 3) in the detailed
parameter 2 when the
current feed value or
machine feed value during
speed control (including
speed control in speed-
position switching control or
position-speed switching
control) or during manual
control falls outside the
software stroke limit range.
Outside new current
value range
The new current address is outside
the ranges of 0 to 359.99999, where
the control unit is set to "degree".
New current value
• The control system sets an
operation pattern (continuous path
control) using new current
positioning data.
• The operation pattern sets a "new
current value" in the control system
using the data following the
"continuous path control"
positioning data.
The current value is not changed.
Continuous path
control invalid
• The continuous path control is
designated using a control system
which is not allowed to use for
continuous path control such as
speed control, speed-position
switching control, position-speed
switching control, and fixed-feed.
• The previous data such as those
on speed control, speed-position
switching control, position-speed
switching control, and fixed-feed
shows a continuous path control.
• The continuous positioning control
is designated for speed control or
position-speed switching control.
At start, the system will not operate.