Mio Moov 200-Series, 300-Series | What can I customize?
POI Alerts
The POI Alert preferences allow you to set a warning chime and/or visual warning to Point of Interest categories that
you have installed via MioMore Desktop (Custom POIs). You may also be able to set warnings to certain POI
categories that were preinstalled on your Mio or available by subscription, such as Safety Cameras.
If you have a route set, the warnings will occur when you are a certain distance (set by the Warning Distance
preference) from the POI on your route.
If you do not have a route set, the warnings will occur when you are in the vicinity of the POI.
1. Tap a custom POI category.
The activation preferences for the selected category will display.
2. Complete the following:
If you want to... Then...
display locations in this category on the map select the Display on the map check box.
enable a warning chime when locations in this
category are in close proximity
select the With an audible alert check box.
enable a visual warning when locations in this
category are in close proximity
select the With a visual alert check box.
select the distance at which the warnings will
move the Warning distance slider to select the distance at which the
warnings will activate.
Your preferences are automatically saved.