Washing environmentally and economically
Caring for the environment means sav-
ing water, energy and detergent when
washing but without compromising on
The key to a good wash result is finding
the best combination of amount of
detergent, temperature, length of pro-
gramme and the machine’s technology.
If necessary, some programmes take
longer to achieve this effect. With the
"Hydromatic" system, the drum can re-
volve at different speeds. Longer and
slower action together with pauses for
steeping, work towards a good result.
The automatic load control facility en-
sures the correct water level for the
type of fabric and laundry load being
washed. Sometimes it even appears
that there is no water in the drum.
Normally, main wash is sufficient for a
clean result, so a pre-wash is not auto-
matically included in the programmes.
If it is wanted, a simple press on the
pre-wash selector includes it.
Economy tips
To help you wash most economically,
remember the following tips:
– The automatic load control facility
allows you to wash individual loads
of between 1 and 5 kg. Ideally wash
with the maximum load specified for
each programme. This uses the en-
ergy to the best advantage.
– Only use the correct amount of deter-
gent required for the water hardness
level in your area, according to the
detergent manufacturer’s recommen-
– If washing is not heavily stained, se-
lect a lower temperature setting than
indicated on the wash care label but
do not additionally select "Short".
– Use the "Short wash" option for wash-
ing that is only very lightly soiled, but
do not additionally reduce the tem-
– Using the additional "Soak" option
allows you to reduce the tempera-
ture used in the main wash.
Washing environmentally and economically