
Venting systems overview
The various venting systems which are
possible are described on the following
pages. These include:
a Flexible ducting hose
b Plastic piping or galvanised steel
c Connecting directly to the wall vent
d Main venting duct
A ring adapter** (1) is installed in
adapter (2) for the installation of a flexi
ble vent duct. It reduces time and en
ergy requirements during drying when
used in combination with a short vent
duct (maximum 10 m total length).
The ring adapter is removable and de
signed for use with all venting systems.
** Note for test institutes: EN 61121 Standard
testing is carried out with the ring adapter.
Venting system with
Flexible ducting hose
This is a simple, cost effective
method of directing the moist air out
side. The adapter supplied is fitted
into the vent opening on the dryer
and the ducting hose is then con
nected to the adapter.
The following items are required: . .
. . . flexible ducting hose*
. . . a wall vent kit* or window vent
* (Miele optional accessory)
A Ring adapter (1) must be taken out
of adapter (2), if the total duct length
is longer than 10 m.
If the total duct length is less than 10
m the ring adapter (1) should be left
in adapter (2).
B Fit adapter (2) into the vent opening
on the dryer, and connect vent hose
Installation - venting