The tumble dryer must not be used without the fluff filter in place
or if the fluff filter is damaged in any way.
The fluff filter must be cleaned regularly.
The dryer must not be used without vent ducting in place.
The dryer must not be connected to a chimney or vent flue which
is in use.
Do not install the tumble dryer in a room where there is a risk of
frost occurring. At temperatures around freezing point the tumble
dryer may not be able to operate properly. The ambient room
temperature should be between +2°C and +35°C.
Check all parts of the extraction system on a regular basis (e.g.
wall vent, external grille, bends in the ducting etc.) and make sure
they are all free of any hindrance. A build-up of fluff will prevent a
free flow of air through the system. If the dryer is to be connected to
an existing ducting system, this must be checked for suitability
The exhaust air must not be vented into a chimney or vent flue
which is in use, nor should it be connected to ducting which
ventilates rooms with fireplaces. It would be dangerous if smoke or
exhaust fumes were drawn back into the room.
Warning and Safety instructions