Owner’s Manual 77-120 ESP
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Antenna -
How to select, position install and tune the right one for you?
Basically, you have two types of mobile CB antennas - full-length whip and
loaded whip - and a variety of types of mounts (depending on where you locate
your antenna) to choose from.
Midland markets a broad line of high-performance antennas. The dealer who
sold you your Midland CB can advise which type is best for you.
Where you locate your antenna does make a difference.
Some general rules for antenna location that can aid CB performance:
1. Put your antenna mount as high on the vehicle as possible.
2. The higher the proportion of antenna length that is above the roof, the better.
3. If possible, mount the antenna in the center of whatever surface you choose.
4. Keep antenna cables away from noise sources, such as the ignition system,
gauges, electric fuel pumps, etc.
5. Make sure you have a solid metal-to-metal ground.
6. Exercise care to prevent cable damage.
Essentially, you have five location choices: the roof, gutter, rear deck, front cowl
or rear bumper. Where you decide to locate your antenna will determine the type
of antenna you install. Again consult your Midland CB dealer for advice and
guidance, and measure your needs against the attributes of the various Midland
antenna models he carries. Weather radio performance may be degraded by
use of a base loaded antenna.
Antenna installation.
Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully.
Warning: Never operate your CB radio without attaching an antenna or with a
broken antenna cable. This can result in damage to transmitter circuitry.