
ONEm User Guide - R1.0.2 - October 20, 2010 96
About Calculator
What math operations can I perform using the Calculator app?
You can use the Calculator app to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Can I use my phone’s keyboard to use the Calculator?
Yes. The keyboard’s number keys work just like the on-screen number buttons. Most of the other
calculator buttons can also be controlled using either the keyboard or the touch screen:
Does the Calculator have a memory function?
Yes, you can save a number in memory while using the Calculator app. Read more in “Memory” on
page 97 below.
Tap this on the screen ...or type this on the keyboard
+ (add) K
- (subtract) Z
X (multiply) G
÷ (divide) X
= (equals) L
. (decimal point) .
Backspace Backspace
C (clear) C