
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
<Organization>Organization friendly or long name</Organization>
Specifies the long name of your organization. The name can be up to 250 characters long
and extended characters are supported.
Specifies the name of your organization. There is a 30 character limit. Notice that extended
characters or spaces are not allowed. If you leave this element blank Setup will generate a
short name based on the OrganizationFriendlyName value.
<OU> OU=value,DC=value,DC=value,DC=value,DC=value</OU>
The <OU> element specifies the Active Directory organizational unit (OU) and domain (DC)
values that this Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server computer is to be associated with. For
example, <OU> OU=CRM, DC=MySubDomain, DC=MyDomain, DC=com</OU>.
Specifies the license key for this deployment. The configuration file can contain only one
Microsoft Dynamics CRM license key. For example:
Note If you purchase Microsoft Dynamics CRM through a Microsoft Volume
Licensing program, the license key is provided in the license.txt file. The
license.txt file is included in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation files.
<WebsiteUrl Create="true"/"false" port=”TCPportnumber”>/LM/W3SVC/1</WebsiteUrl>
Specifies the path for the Web site to be created on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.
Use Create="true" to create a new Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site and leave the value
between the element tags blank. Specify Create="false" to use an existing Web site and then
you must enter the Web site node in the element tags, such as /LM/W3SVC/1, which is the
default Web site.
Use port=”TCPportnumber”, where TCPportnumber is a valid and available TCP port number,
to specify the port for connecting to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server application. If left
blank, the port number that will be used is 5555.
<InstallDir>c:\program files\Microsoft CRM</InstallDir>
Specifies the folder in which Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server files will be copied.
<basecurrency isocurrencycode="CurrencyCode" currencyname="CurrencyName"
Specifies the ISO three-letter currency-code, display name, and symbol to use for the base
currency. For example, if you want to have to use U.S. dollars as the base currency, use
isocurrencycode="USD". You must use a valid ISO currency description for the
isocurrencycode attribute. You must also specify the currency-name and currency-symbol
display names for the ISO base currency. For example, if the ISO currency code is USD, the
currency name should be "US Dollar" and the currency symbol should be "$". However, you
can use any string that you want for those attributes.
Important After Setup is complete, you cannot change the base ISO currency
code. However, you can change the base-currency name and base-currency