8100 Rear Unload --35--
The purpose of the gatedelay systemis to hold therear swinginggate in the openposition untilthe apron has cleaned
allof the forage out of the box. Byadjustingtheflow control the speed in which thegate closes can be regulated. When
the flow control is properly adjusted the gate will slowly close as the remainder of the forage is being unloaded. Once
the box iscompletely unloadedthe gatedelay willreach a trip position withthe triparm movingthe lowercylinder shaft
out of the horizontal slot and allow the gate to trip closed and latch. For proper operation adjust as follows. When the
gate is completely closed(tight to rearupright) the cableand eyebolt assemblyshould be adjustedso the cablehas no
slack. Cable should be tightbut notover tightened. If cable andeyebolt isover tightened thelower cylinderwill trip out
of the L-shaped sloton thelower bracket prematurelyand the gatewill try toclose before thecylinder is fullyextended.
If the cable and eyeboltis tooloose the lower cylinderwill nottrip out of theL-shaped slotand the cylinder willreach its
maximum strokeand the trip arm will still not be in the tripped position allowing the gate toclose. The gate will be held
open bythe top cylinder bracket and the bracket may become damaged over time. The eyebolt and cable will need to
be adjusted periodically to maintain proper operation.